Mini-Burgers (Sliders)
20 Mini-Beef Sliders | Provided on the side Caramelized Onions (optional), one variety cheese tray with several cheese options + one container of Dill pickles (no substitutions). Hawaiian buns included.
Options: All-Beef (Carne) or Turkey
20 Mini-Beef Sliders | Provided on the side Caramelized Onions (optional), one variety cheese tray with several cheese options + one container of Dill pickles (no substitutions). Hawaiian buns included.
Options: All-Beef (Carne) or Turkey
20 Mini-Beef Sliders | Provided on the side Caramelized Onions (optional), one variety cheese tray with several cheese options + one container of Dill pickles (no substitutions). Hawaiian buns included.
Options: All-Beef (Carne) or Turkey
To order more than one option, select and add one to the cart - then return to add another to the cart.
All items are packed separately, allowing you and your guests to customize to preference.